Bunny-VRChat Avatar
creator:LUCKY FAFA@XDthelucky123
⚠️Please be sure to read the product details and terms of use before purchasing and using.
⚠️ Terms apply to users who receive gifts
⚠️ Can be used for non-commercial personal virtual rivers. Not for commercial or corporate virtual drivers.
⚠️ Image copyright owned by: 幸运花花
I would be happy if you could tweet your photos with #lucky3D! thank you!
▶Product description◀
Avatar3.0/PhysBones/VCC compatible/Full-body Tracking/arkit facial Tracking
Shader: lilToon https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170
Materials: 9
VRChatAvatarRank: very Poor 5.56MB
Facial shape keys: 110+
Body hape keys:10
ARKit BlendShape
MMD BlendShape
unitypackage,FBX, VRM, texture,how to upload,ReadMe included
The VRM model includes ARKit's improved face tracking.
This can only be done using a mobile phone (both iPhones and android devices work). Facial tracking was tested with iFacialMocap and iPhone XR.
Using a regular camera will reduce the face capture effect.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XDthelucky123 youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDqiq7FRwXGUJn6JTJJ2Vg
unitypackage,FBX, VRM, texture,how to upload,ReadMe